This new millennium is the beginning of The Dark Ages in western politics. We are desperately trying to stop and prevent the corruption of our financial markets. This unrelenting attempt of the greedy upper class and the politicians to feel safe and to stay in control of the money flow translates into We the People the middle class to lose our freedom. Little by little our playground is shrinking. From being talked out of a greasy cheeseburger, for fear of heart disease to having to give up the water bottle at the airport. There are wars and conflicts over natural resources around the world. The security is tight everywhere, there seems to be more government and municipal employees then there are private sector workers. Our America use to be called, the bread basket of the world, we have build the industry of the world, what happened? Who is it to be blamed?
The way that tobacco has build the early industry and later jeopardized our health, the same way the Wall Street has helped the growth of the economy and now is ruining the financial sector. It is so obvious and yet nobody is talking about the Wall Street in any specific terms. Who are the bee keepers, if there is a middle class there must be a lower and upper class to? The thing is that the talking points are given by the leaders and that by default is the upper class. There is much hope for the new Congress, talking heads in the popular media said so. The one thing that nobody is talking about is the last harvest. The one that happened at the end of the last administration, does anybody remember, what happened to the stock market? Instead, with the new Congress there is talk about planting seeds, about hard work and sacrifice, don’t kid yourselves my honey bees there will be a harvest again. Just as soon that there is some equity in our homes and some growth in our portfolios. The thing that we need to know is that “We the People” will be the ones that are being harvested again and again so please stash some honey, don’t let the bears find it. Remember that we have two basic freedoms, to produce and to consume, try not to consume everything. The Wall Street and the investment bankers are the bee keepers, it has very little to do with the administration being democrat or republican, drones are in charge of the bee hive. Don’t worry we’ll get some sugar water to get us through the winter, hopefully the spring will be early this year.
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